Certified Welding Inspector San Diego
What it is: Welding is a bonding together or coalescence of two similar or dissimilar steel / metal materials achieving a strength equal to or stronger than the steel base metal.
What it does: In a building structure, it provides connections of steel beams, columns and steel plates strengthen the area needed for service. The welding is done in the fabrication shop and or in the field.
What we do: Check for certifications of both the welding processes and welders. Check the steel material mill certs, filler metal and machine settings per welding procedure specification.
Steel is the structural soundness and integrity of the building. If welding is not done by code or procedure it could result in defective work which would lead to the removal of weld areas by grinding and re-welding. As Certified Welding Inspectors Metzger Testing & Inspection can provide guidance to the contractor in producing a welding procedure specification. Existing structures require monitoring and evaluation to maximize the life of the structure. Structural issues can occur through time due to wear, corrosion, and stress.
If you, as the building owner observe excessive cracking in an old structure call 619-889-1314 we will inform you of a structural engineer who will evaluate the strength verses load and provide the necessary reports.