Wedge Anchors San Diego
What it is: Wedge anchors, also known as Hilti TZ anchors are carbon steel embed bolts with an anchor body and expansion base installed into the concrete and held by friction.
What it does: Secures and minimizes movement at the base of a rack, overhead mechanical equipment or railing.
What we do: Check the hammer drilled holes for required concrete embedment depth, cleanliness, location and edge distance per design drawings, perform a torque test on the installed anchor bolts for the required ft lbs, document and submit report. We will provide as needed, a CA State civil engineer stamped final inspection report combining inspections performed and substantiating reports.
Note: Regarding seismic in the State of California per 2013 CA Building Code. Periodic inspection is required during the anchorage of storage racks 8′ or greater in height for structures in seismic design category
D (Buildings and structures) [not located near a major fault zone, ie: poor soils]
E (Buildings with occupancy group I, II,II) [in a major active fault zone]
F (Hospital, Police, Urgent Care) [in a major active fault zone]